Pre-ascertained Personalization of Being Human Rationally For Collective Optimization

😺Gaza & Kaara _Portrait_Cred:D11

26/05/23 : 02:55 PM 

If our political maestros in  developing countries vitally, respected, abode  and practically acknowledged diversity of humans on rationally-scientific educational basis, focused on one of these variables that are liable for diversities or differences within society - enviromental, biological, economical and cultural aspects are mostly visible to naked eye due to prevalence of upper ignorance from those entrusted to lead. 

Perhaps, there wouldn't even be a need for prisons or orphanages but rehabilitation centers, for psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists et cetra, as they shall expertly enlighten the oblivious part of society about psyche, which is roughly about 95% of population, to keep a healthy-pure-ego-ubuntu inclined psyche that easily eludes depersonalization or derealization disorders, thus rationally escaping inevitable desire to drown in pleasures and sorrows of paraphilia, that typicaly results in depersonalization,  premature death or imprisonment due to promiscuity. 

🤦Oh crap, I forgot prisons are top-tier go-to none expensive labour-mines for big profits. Consequently, evil shall either finitely or infinitely prevail, in a finite perspective, fortunately. To eradicate it, stars shall align with nature. Numbers shall add up and subtract, divide and multifply to a collective crossroad. 

Top tier is approximately 5%, the mercenaries to conjure the ultimate act shall emanate either from the already minute 5%, or the bigger side of 95% but for that to be in motion shall be ignited by a proportion of less than 5 % atleast however not ruling out a possibility of an astonishingly enormous proportion exceeding the latter because the stars would have aligned, like I stated prior. 

Nobody knows fasho, maybe within 3 days or in the next civilization of the next century, the 22nd 😬 Why and what other reason can convince them otherwise currently,  subsequent to their vivid failure to maintain,  more like ones that introduced the personalization have chronically succumbed? The answer lies in provided public education system. The students receive extra knowledge to fast tract towards psych liberty, then altered to do otherwise but at what cost to revolutionize the dying breed? 

Historically, people have died for a collective causality to cease a partial palindrome of discomfort in respect to whomever greatest desires, presumably pleasures of personalization. In contrast, thats far-fetched in modern civilization of developing countries, ironically victims of any type of pre-colonization, as the colonizers are exquisitely exploiting the pre-ascertained personalization of being human with plethora of personal or collective pleasures to feed an infinite lust of repetitive instant gratification, while the oppressed caltivate fruits of ignorance and discomforts.

Nonetheless, both aspects share a common denominator of exorcising the Power of  Now. Sadly, this has psych-locked majority, about 95% of civilians, as the sealed cycle has taken an infinite perception of finite itinerary. This can be attested by few practical scenarios, for instance ;

1. Conjuring  happiness but overlooking exertion of sorrow or sadness on the other side. 

2. Conjuring good or light but overlooking the fact the bad (dark ) shall adorn the other side.

3. Yearning for world peace through love or any ethic orientation but ignoring the  hatred and vices that shall arise. 

4. Understandable selfish mentality to cut off people as they slow down progress towards instant gratification courtesy of pre-ascertained personalization, in contrast inciting worthlessness or desperation on the other side. 

5. Belittling victims of depersonalization disorder and suppressing their recovery to overcome that phase, on your side praising how perfect and useful you are, abusing the weak to temporarily feel better. 

NB: These examples are not definite or not finite but outlays a few among many practical examples

All those scenarios are what keep the pre-ascertained personalization of being human meaningful thus, history has shown that a collective or individuals who have tried to disorient this setup got taken out like trash effectively, inciting fear in those who would try to follow suite.

Namely, popular Jesus, Gaddafi, Escobar, J. Kony, J.F Kennedy, Nipsey Hustle, 2Pac, Notorious BIG, XXXtentacion, Lil peep, Juice Wrld, Bin Laden, Sadam Husein, Lumumba, Nkrumah, Huey Newton, Malcolm X etc. These individuals were all victims of the minority suppression, a disciplined execution of sequential orchestrated actions of lust for selective pleasures disguised as though its otherwise,  with none or questionable smokescreens that lack enthusiasm. 

Subsequently, an indefinite deletion of unruly  personalizations due to the victim teachings, that are born of the truth of sufferings that have gradually build up the pressure to break free from mental shackles courtesy of the minority; conscious of the trails that exhibit of a reckless two edged-sword that self-inflicts-destruction, similarly on either sides. Undeniably, overtime, this creates a concrete controversial chaos, a disoriented analogy of people abiding to pre-ascertained personalization of being human yet with a mainstream failure to transparently abide to the supposed protocol, that has since portrayed personalization through its inhuman flaws, has proven humans gullibility.

Inevitably, the subjects of proclaimed judgement, based on their pleasures and paraphilia prejudices, are indifferent to those they silenced on their quest to oust them. Irrespective of existing concepts of good or bad / evil, based on facts tabled, without strings attached, they have dismally failed to the bone marrow, to the core. Prove me otherwise, with a thesis that tells me there is nothing wrong with the pre-ascertained personalization, however, our ancestors perfected their role to the most extreme to ensure an uphill battle to reclaim glory of universal beauty and art. But bear in mind, I am neither judging nor siding, my offspring shall precede the judgment rightfully or wrongfully to the core but not indifferently. 

Until an opposing analysis, i am conscious of my rationale as it emanates from self consciousness with reference to public school system academics, streets knowledge or religious teachings and own experience, vitally. This phenomenon introduces a thesis that can either be approved or disapproved in retrospect to both minority and majority being in oblivion of what's happening in relations pertaning the the truths about origins of pre-personalization of a being in world they find already twisted and irrational. 

As a result, the causality of emanation of latter thesis is either premeditated selection that precedes human personalization that the Creator, Supreme Being or Gami desired or a courtesy occurence that is beyond collective or individual consciousness or pain, beyond knowledge of this realm or lineage am at, based on previous dilemmas, prehistoric ( BC ) or AD, or likelihood of the 22nd Century rightfully being aware of previous, flawed personalization rationale. 

Theoretically, God-like energy, for general emphasis, Supreme Energy manifestations, beyond Jesus suffering for the meek, in the famous Bible, are likely liable and promoted globally for delusion of the truths to hide from real eyes, thus this has given this twisted plot relevance that has since placed humans under immense pressure to withstand temptations to succumb to natural paraphilia. A 100% failure to conquer this pain, which translate to inadequate knowledge to fight the temptations is guaranteed. There's a guarantee that with provision of expert facilities to counter that inefficiency and ineffectiveness, no one can succumb to blacklisted paraphila. 

While the majority is expected to resist the lust, analyzing exceptions set if none compliance is done to any degree, in lieu of adequate civil rights methodologies to strengthen resilience, geneticcally modified organisms distributed to majority to alter DNA similaly to lab rats, lack of motivation to assist the majority with basic necessities, only proves one pre-designated path, staying at low consciousness level at all costs in repeating cycles of lifetimes, debatable but why the evil deeds to maintain the majority at low level consciousness are scrambled to an extent mother nature is destroyed. Where suffering and pain are felt with no desire to understand them and break free from mental prisonment, has become a disgrace that the time I spent complaining shall be balanced by providing my offsprings with any tools or skills to execute the solutions, settling the score, I departed half solved. Teamwork!

Data analysis algorithms accurately display data that shows cluelessness of the origin of pre-personalization of human beings, from Darwins Theory, Greek or Roman Myth, Christianity, Stoicism, Islam etc. They had, have blindedly, single handedly and collectively decided to control, manipulate or maintain a ready made setup for humans, nevertheless, altering the setup up with premeditated expectations of how things shall turn internally and extenally afterwards, thus entitlement emerging. Which obviously, shows a psych disorder of drowing in paraphilia trap despite access to top-tier healthcare and privileges. 

This confusion coupled with ungratefulness has locked them in a repetitive palindrome of instant gratification that repeatedly fills the void of  knowledge to overstand pain or suffering rationale with absurdity rather than knowledge of Ubuntu personalization as a basic and primary will of any human, with no exception, however that is not the case with the prehistoric, current civilization and forth coming history, till end of 21st century, debatable. But this only to emphasize the deeply rooted extent of imbalance that has plagued humans since the prehistoric eras up until now hence alluding that it is indeed a dead end zone of Era of irrationality. 

Funnily, unless, the restart of the world as a result of minority nuking the world as well as other factors that are contributing at high rate to annihilate life on earth manifest, I shall be in motion to rid or freeze the world off the particles against its sustainability and prosperity for selfish, instant gratification reasons of people in a cycle of repetitive pain of self hatres. Deep within, I strongly reckon that the ancestors that spearheaded the personalization of humans, intentionally the extent which causality shall be balanced thus a creating a circus by willingly succumbing to paraphilia adornment prior certain aspects were encapsulated in the conscious mind, losing sight of rationality, like it was not advised but condoned after its kick action. 

As a youth in the impoverished parts of the stick, I take that honor to flip the tables to endlessly work towards correction of the real personalization that a human consciously controls so that every manifestation of Supreme Energy gets a neutral start off on their individual race laps, no penalties whatsoever that emerge out of their consciousness shall derail their quest to reach Higher Self Consciousness. 

I shall subsequently or have ultimately and sensibly started the revolution within myself foremost at age 13, acting as a lighthouse to all ships in the deep blue sea, clutching at straws, seeking their unique destinations. I have met numerous psyche challenges as a result of this ignition that has lasted half of my existence, but I have risen on top of the numerous hurdles, not egotistically but bravely, head on. 

When I reach 26 years of age, supposedly, I will have completed a finite itinerary cycle of infinite palindrome knowledge, as a result the next 12 years shall be off building a clan or family that shall bear me offsprings to carry on my triumphs and kabala against my pains to another level that is of higher consciousness than I was. That shall revolutionize the quest significantly, as my clan shall neutrally exist between the forces of evil and good, swerving on either side to heal their much elevated pains than I endured, the epoch. Wich icing on the cake, a different type of breed shall inevitably push the quest significantly within the 3rd Chaos Control Period ( CCP) , until a significant change for even the blind to envision, looking more into the 7th CCP to 9th CCP. 

Not bad at all, not good at all, as the lighthouse, the elixir of life to my descendants, according to the streets, astrology and quantum physics spectrum, in lieu of self-proclaimation, for I shall imperfectly or perfectly maintain nothingness in the deepest, darkest and most conservative areas of my psych to better accommodate my offsprings humanly, with a recorrected and improvised thesis of pre-personalization of humans, obviously, with a higher psyche than myself at similar, parallel phases of life, CCP. I would go to the other side, a lifeful soul rather than sad or happy. That is absolute nothingness. 

That is how it should be when my offsprings carry on the quest to live collectively and individually at high consciousness than anytime in history of human personalization, to an extent it shall be involuntary like breathing the 3rd CCP. So be it. Either way of the coin, I shall embody, at death, at life, since I was void, that shall be a privilege to be a vessel of the Supreme Energy manifestations of Nature and Omnipotence. 

Finally, minimization or eradication of attachments to worldly materials shall never be the purpose i am alive, self mastery, self control and illuminating Supreme Being glory and mercy first shall be the epitome hence this shall seamlessly circle back whatever worldly materialism as per want or desire and manifestation of reaching higher self consciousness. Moreover, overcoming a phase of depersonalization disorder that traps indefinitely if resisted. Being at higher consciousness is the primary objective, it shall be hard to attain higher consciousness or psyche later than sooner. Hence, I choose wisely and patiently of my longterm business partners, to allow seamless retention into wilderness to master self control one at a time, periodically, without workflow being negatively affected. 

The gods of Stoicism bestow that quest with the wisdom to pursue self-mastery and self-control as primary but secondary be business partners desires to sustain the pre-ascertained personalization of being human, without succumbing to blacklisted paraphila. Unintentionally, being inspiration to those that see the lighthouse significance to kabalistically attain Higher Consciousness Level but still have personalization character that is not misled by materialism as thats secondary to self-knowledge thus materialism becomes a problem of the low level consciousness people, believe this because I walked this path, I have not perfected it but exactly cycle of 26 years is reached all shall be in perfection in my perspective, vitally. So are you too.

I am one of the few that chased higher consciousness in parallel with manifestation of materialism but I always left the latter and whole focused on the former as it is the one that was mandatory, after a researches and practical endeavors, the rest is history. I shall reveal my level to those when I perceive, I see me. Otherwise, for kabalistic prejudices those who are at low consciousness level shall see me as their reflections, I shall not look down on them, however they shall look upon me from a high consciousness level, that way they shall be motivated to elevate to calmness and silence embodied at the top. 

My current life support got to be my girlfriend, she's pivotal as she seems like someone that understands pain at large but at a young age, thats a bonus for me, SELAH! Reminds me of me wen I was her age, 19, not much difference but she possess the ability to leap frog my psyche at that age drastically. She shall reach her own form at her convenience, not mines. Otherwise, i would have failed to alter that outcome, she has a big role to play so she neeeds to be herself at all means, by any means necessary. A two and half year wait was worth it without dating as it gave me much time to accelerate the perfection of 3rd CCP, in style, with a woman I grew up conjuring so that my quest, becomes seamless, wholly beneficial.

This kabalistic brain impulses I have just manifested in written form shall be for everyone in pain, or ones seeking understanding of that pain and self but shall be useless to souls that have reached God Consciousness, consciously or unconsciously except for my offsprings or clan as the devil never sleeps with temptationst to keep one at low level consciousness unless one resists. The world i was born in, i found it with flaws, i inherited those flaws, i received criticism internally and extenally, the pre-ascertained personalization i was given started losing value and sense thus we grew apart. 

My circumstances we brutally painful, physically, emotionally and psych but reasons different from yours but being a melancholy, knowing you are too, you shall fight back like i did an overcome depersonalization disorder too, once you do, there's no turning back, thats a stair case to God Consciousness. My clan or descendants shall resist any form of desire not aligned with me for i do not take any side but reflect, embody what already is there, so should you.Thats the closest I delved to harness the prowess of Power of Now.  So be it. As above, As below. Love Under Will. Power. Self. Chaos. 13! 

Thanks for reading, keep in touch. 

Mr Tlokotsi Oscar Potloane.                          Diploma in Computer Systems Engineering.    Tech Geek and Research Analyst, CodeBurst, Trench Mining Rig, Merafocoins, Hydra Audits, Nalane Broadcasting.                          +266 68599000 ( Calls & Telegram )



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